What's happening in the Appointment Centre? October 15-21

After a few weeks of steadily declining appointment numbers, last week showed a healthy increase of nearly 8% in weekly appointments.  The gap between new listings and solds is narrowing, with our sales to new listings ratio at 83%.  

We are still seeing a 17% decrease in appointments compared to October of 2022, however our appointment/sold index has dropped to 9.9, a drastic change compared to the previous week.  Buyers have shifted from a shopping mindset, to a buying one, let’s see if this trend continues in the weeks ahead.

The $1-2M price range is back on top in all three regions, which hasn't been the case since September 3-9 of this year. Hamilton still remains fairly consistent besides the $550-600k range climbing to #2. In addition, the $2M+ price range has dropped three spots to #5 in the Halton region since last week. Niagara is seeing increased popularity in regards to lower price ranges, such as $350-400k, which is the lowest range that appears in our Top 5 Price Ranges for all three regions.