What's happening in the appointment centre? Dec. 29 - Jan. 4

When compared to the week of Christmas, last week saw an incredible 100.9% increase in the number of appointments. With the mid-week holiday closures, these numbers aren’t unexpected, however January is off to a great start, with 28.2% more appointments booked in the first 4 days of the year than in 2019. Also of note, is that appointments gained early momentum, with almost 300 appointments booked on Jan. 2, 350 the next day, and just over 300 on the 3rd - a very strong start to the year.

Our Sold/Appointment Index rose considerably to 30.3 appointments on average per property sold, largely due to fewer sales during the holidays.

Price ranges in Hamilton saw the most activity on the low end of the spectrum, however our Top 5 all remain within predicatable ranges for the area. Burlington saw a fair bit of activity in the higher price ranges, with moderate activity in mid-ranges. Niagara continued to show that popular price points have remained steady throughout the last part of 2019 and early 2020.
