What's happening in the Appointment Centre? January 21-27

As we near the end of January, the appointment centre continues to see a climb in our total number of weekly appointments. Appointments are up nearly 2% compared to the previous week, and the number of sold listings, have taken a lead over new listings by 22%, something we have not experienced for several months.

As a result, the appointment/sold index remains at 10.2, slightly down from last week, indicating our inventory is showing signs of shrinkage. 

Our top price ranges remained fairly similar to last week in both Hamilton and Niagara. Hamilton's most notable change is that the 350-400k price range is present at #5, which is the lowest range we have seen in Hamilton's top 5 price points since the week of October 29-November 4, 2023. Niagara is continuing to see our mid to low price ranges as most popular with the $550-600k price point at #1. Halton is still seeing our highest price ranges as most popular but lower ranges such as the 550-600k range are creeping higher in the rankings.
