What's happening in the appointment centre? July 25-31

While the week started off strong, activity slowed the closer we got to the long weekend. Usually Fridays are the busiest days for appointments, but this week Friday and Saturday showings dipped down significantly. Overall, July 2021 remained consistent with July 2020 with only a miniscule -0.4% difference in appointments. 

Currently, the days on market are increasing as you can see by the approximate 25% increase in the sold/appointment index. 

Popular home prices in Hamilton dipped slightly compared to last week, with mid price ranges rising in popularity and $1-2M falling to the 5th place spot. Burlington saw a slight shuffle, but remained largely in the mid-high price ranges. Niagara saw mid price ranges continue to dominate with the $900-1M price range falling to #5. 


Appt centre June 27-July3.jpg