What's happening in the Appointment Centre? August 20-26

The dog days of summer have finally emerged (albeit late this summer), with a decrease of 10.8% in appointments booked over last week, with a total of 3,207 appointments. Despite the decrease, this month is still showing a nearly 17% increase in total appointments compared to 2022. The number of properties sold outpaced new listings by 21%, proving our agents are outselling their competitors.  

The appointment/sold index dropped to 10.8 this week, which is the lowest the index has been since June 25-July 1, and indicates strong buyer rationale when making buying decisions.  

Regarding our top price ranges, Hamilton again remains fairly consistent with $1-2M continuing to occupy the top spot. Halton saw the $950k-1M price range drop from the chart, but the area is still seeing our highest two price ranges as most popular. Finally, Niagara is seeing mid to high price ranges slowly increase in popularity, although $550-600k is still at #1.
