What's happening in the Appointment Centre? December 10-16

As time draws closer to the holidays, the appointment centre saw a decrease of just under 8% last week, which is much less of a drop in week-over-week appointments, then the same week last year (Dec 11-17 2022) where we were down 14.8% in appointments.  Our busiest day was Friday with 354 total appointments, a 5% increase over the same Friday in 2022.  So far in December we are seeing an 8.6% decrease in total monthly appointments, but the gap has greatly diminished by over 22% since last week, a trend which could continue to narrow, and possibly close by the end of the year.  
The appointment/sold index climbed to 15.3 this week after hovering between 8.3 and 11.4 for the past few weeks, indicating that more buyers are entering the market, in anticipation of rate rollbacks in the coming year.
Our top price ranges did see some notable shifts. Specifically, Halton saw the $950k-1M price range rise in popularity to take the number 2 spot. Niagara is seeing some mid to high price ranges return to the chart, mainly the $750-800k and $800-850k ranges. Hamilton remained fairly consistent besides the $750-800k range taking the number 5 spot.