What's happening in the Appointment Centre? January 14-20

As January progresses, we recorded the most appointments in a single week since the last week of September, 2023. Fridays high of 528 appointments has not been seen in a single day since late August 2023. Overall, weekly appointments continue to increase week-by-week. We are currently on track to catch up to our January 2023 numbers as the difference between January appointments in 2023 vs 2024 has been diminishing weekly.

The appointment/sold index dropped again this week to 10.3, continuing the trend we saw last week that indicates a decline in inventory.

Our top price ranges are beginning to return to what we were seeing at the end of 2023, with the 1-2M price range returning to the top spot in Hamilton after three weeks of being overtaken by lower price ranges. Halton remains fairly unchanged with our top three highest price ranges all represented on the chart. Niagara is seeing price ranges between $450k and $650k as most popular this week. 
