What's happening in the Appointment Centre? January 7-13, 2024

In our first full week of 2024, our appointment centre saw a hefty 14.9% increase in weekly appointments, despite the recent cold spell. So far, this January is experiencing a decrease of 8.3% in total appointments, compared to the same time period in 2023, however,  if the momentum of the first 13 days continues, we may see this gap shrink as the month progresses.

The appointment/sold index dropped significantly from 17.1 to 14.1 this week, indicating the first signs of a decline in inventory.

For the third week in a row, the $1-2M price range has been usurped from the #1 spot in Hamilton. Instead, it occupies the #2 spot and lower price ranges like $650-700k have taken the top spot. For Halton, the $1-2M price range continues to occupy the top spot, however the 2M+ price range has been replaced by more moderately priced properties this week.  Niagara continues to see lower to mid price ranges as most popular with the $550-600k range at #1.
