What's happening in the appointment centre? June 16-22

Appointments last week increased slightly by 4.8% over the previous week, with our highest number of appointments on Friday. Our SOLD/APPPOINTMENT Index measures the number of sold properties in relation to the number of appointments made during the week - an indicator that helps us measure buyer motivation. We currently only have 2 weeks of data, showing a higher index this week than last, which could potentially mean that buyers are making more appointments before purchasing a home, however this sample is too small to indicate any patterns. Over the coming weeks, we will expand our weekly findings and watch for motivational indicators. Price ranges in Hamilton and Niagara continue to remain steady, while Burlington as more activity in the high and middle price ranges, and less in the lower end over the course of the week. Overall, appointments in June continue to completely outperform June 2018, with an increase of 25.4% in the total number of appointments so far.

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